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Art Workshop - Get your Happy on! through creative experiences

What is an ART Workshop?

At an art workshop, you create your own artwork, I'll show you how it's done.

Take your friends with you or come alone and have fun at an Art Workshop Date -

You get creative, meet new people, and in the end, you do not just go with your own artwork,

but also with a good mood and great memories!

You do not need any knowledge and I have all the materials there to make your art workshop easy.

Drinks can be ordered from the surrounding restaurants and are therefore

available at conventional prices.

Get your ticket now because the seats are limited.



Art Workshop - Get your Happy on! through creative experiences

  • Kunst Workshop

    Dauer: 5 Stunden

    Leinwandgrösse: nach Wahl

    40x50cm, 50x60cm, 50x70cm

    zauberhafte Anleitung durch Künstlerin

    Material incl.

    Die Mwst. ist bei diesen Angaben mit einberechnet



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